Monday, August 18, 2008

More on free reference managers

Months ago I wrote about Zotero and CiteUlike. The "market" is getting a bit more crowded, and over the last year or so, I've come to work with JabRef. I like it. It works under Windows, Linux, and Mac OS, it seems to be stable (no problems over here, at least), and runs on Java. The references are saved in BibTeX format, which means export is no problem and the databases are simply textfiles - small and portable. I use mainly LaTeX for my writing projects, so a BibTeX manager is all I need. However, there is a Word Macro Package that allows integration of BibTeX into MS Word (see BibTex4Word on Mike Brookes's website; see also this discussion). I suppose it's something for people who are willing to make things work (er, play with their computers). I haven't tried Zotero in a while, so I don't know if it's easier to use.

1 comment:

JB said...

Hello, you might be interested in our tool Docear4Word which is an alternative to bibtex4word. It's based on the Citation Style Language and offers a comfortable GUI. Although Docear4Word was primarily intended for Docear users, it works with (almost?) any BibTeX file.

And If you are looking for a tool to manage your BibTeX file i would recommend Docear :-)